
If you are hosting an event at your church or ministry, as you prayerfully seek the Lord for guidance review these thoughts regarding Rose Marie & Richard Straeter and their ministry.


I have served in church leadership with Rose and Richard for several years, and I do not know of a more balanced and powerful ministry of miracles and healings. They are activators not only of supernatural demonstrations but of supernatural compassion.

Every time I have been involved in their ministry, I have received something rich and liberating. I also have witnessed the body of Christ massively blest and equipped to carry the supernatural power of the gospel.

They are people of integrity and love.  Rose and Richard have the capacity to mightily impact local fellowships with authentic gospel power for the cause of Jesus Christ. This couple is truly a miracle-working gift to the Body of Christ.   by JKT


I would highly encourage you to invite Rose and Richard Straeter to speak and minister at your church or ministry.

I have never met a couple so passionate to see others healed, delivered, and set free! The anointings and purity of heart they carry for the body of Christ are invaluable in these times.

You can be sure that Holy Spirit will be allowed to do whatever He wants to with these two!     by CU


Rose and Richard Straeter are a beautiful example of what it means to be Jesus hands, feet and mouthpiece on the earth.  From ministering to their waitress at a restaurant, to discipling people at the homeless shelter, to speaking at various churches and ministries, they make themselves available to the Lord wherever He leads them.

Rose and Richard flow powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit and minister with wisdom and compassion in all types of churches.  They are able to cross denominational barriers and they live by their motto “ always honor the house”.  Their lives speak volumes of their love for the Lord.  They are a blessing everywhere they go and to all who know them.    by NM


If you are interested in inviting Rose Marie & Richard Straeter to come and minister at your church or ministry, please complete the following form.  This will assist in the booking process.   This serves as an invitation and NOT a confirmation.  We will prayerfully consider your request and contact you for further information.

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